Thursday 17 July 2014

Architecture Portfolio

Personal Design Statement & Projects selection

The project can be summarized as stepping stone for us in defining our architecture approach. The design statement done was based on architecture language that has been done through out our studios. Hence, capturing on a certain language or approach captures the identity or approach derived within and applied through illustrations and practicality. 

Objectives of Project
The objectives of this project are as follow:
• To aid the development of and enhance a student’s individual design statement and conceptualization
• To develop the student’s ability to understand and exercise discernment in the selection process of
materials to be included in their portfolio.

Learning Outcomes of this Project
• Develop and distinguish a personal design statement and direction

Design Statement 

“The mother art is architecture. Without architecture of our own we have no soul of our own civilization” quoted by Frank Lloyd Wright was an eye opener towards architecture defining on how powerful a space could be. The vast definition of architecture generates perception in relation of interest in arts as a stepping stone.  Hence, architecture was the key in expanding my interest through in depth study of not just based on space alone; but through impact on human behavior and culture shaping society. In another word, architecture could create such grace in shaping not just on physical side through infrastructure and mass developments; but on how it shapes through cultural and spiritual aspect.
Architecture is well known as a subjective subject indicating vast elements that can be approach. Throughout the years of learning architecture not just as a formal education, but through informal approach as ‘way of life’ has truly became an eye opener in perceiving anything through different perspectives capturing the most precious knowledge I had gotten in the journey. The idea of perceiving through different perspective generates more than just typical architecture on how one perceived architecture on form and space. The projection of different perspective is through theoretical approach of spiritual connection between men and nature reflecting my architecture style. Spiritual connection projects a harmonious chemistry between men and nature defining “spirit of a place”. The idea of spiritual harmony connects through space creates a tremendous experience through a journey by evoking the user emotion. The spiritual connection engage a closer approach towards nature reflecting a modest design through the application of architecture’s best element; earth.
Glenn Murcutt is an architect I adored as his modesty reflected through his work. “Touching the earth lightly” reflects on his design through minimal obstruction on natural element; instead maximizing through natural elements such as ventilation, sunlight, and wind circulation. The main projection of the approach is to focus more on functionalism rather than form. Functionalism created through natural elements projects a chemistry between space and nature evoking emotion of the occupant.

Besides that, architecture through communal approach is part of an interest of architecture style. The idea of communal is not just based on providing a space for the public, but captures the idea of cultural space resulting through human behavior as end result. The cultural approach through communal program reflects the society behavior towards the surroundings such as human pattern, culture through daily activities, and identity of place. Apart from that, the approach is to appreciate the cultural/tradition that has been existed on site. Hence, preservation is the key through space in shaping the society through cultural elements. In addition, preservation in capturing identity of the place through cultural analysis represent history of the place projecting a sense of cultural origin through timeline reflecting the human behavior today. However, proposal on program which suits the society today with a touch of the past captures on the projection of identity of a place through cultural approach in my point of view.
In a nutshell, the journey in architecture has been a well carved experience so far as it has teaches me not only through books, but through experience in an informal approach of observation, analyzing, and perception. Hence, the direction that I am heading creates such impact in shaping me as a person and an architect. That is what architecture has taught me. 

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